I believe in a previous threat on this nut-job it was pointed out he served his Viet Nam tenure mainly on a posh military compound complete with barbershop, commissary, etc. Kinda reminds me of the Circuit Overseer involved in the Menlo Park (CA) Kingdom Hall fiasco who falsely claimed he was a Navy Seal.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Anthony Morris The 3rd Talks About Human Hot Dogs At Armageddon, There Will Be No Picnic For Survivors
by frankiespeakin inwatch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
Can I be a Christian if I cannot use a Bible?
by humbled indo i have to be literate to be a christian?.
if i only hear about jesus and simply call out and claim him as lord and savior could i be a christian?.
if i didn't trust men but trusted jesus and the spirit of god to guide me could i be a christian?.
Room 215
I wonder about how many of the primitive Christians were fully literate, and what the first-century rate of literacy was in the first two centuries of the Christian era.
I make a vow 2015 will be my last DC to attend ever !!!
by 5go ineven then it will be just be a sunday to see if the fall off come true, or not.. heck this year and next will probally just enough to make it look like i showed up for it.
thankfully i live around the city it's held in i so it's not a huge sacrafice..
Room 215
" The generation of mis-leaders will all be dead by then." Hey Scotoma, you're not onboard with the "overlapping generations" noo-lite!
Let's Take A Look At Judge Rutherford In The Pages of Zion's Watch Tower
by Kenneson ini thought i'd present my finds on rutherford's early years in the w.t.
society before he usurped the presidency.
someone writes a letter and mentions judge rutherford.
Room 215
BTTT: This thread is well worthy of an update and review by any newbies on board snce it was published.
The JW life is good!
by Julia Orwell infor some people.
i think of the old man who has no family and lives in a nursing home, and the only time he gets out is when he's picked up for the meetings.
he lives solely for that.. or people who love routine and busy-ness, people who need to be led.. george orwell wrote that the party is best able to impose its worldview on those least likely to understand what it is that's being asked of them: orthodoxy is unconsciousness.. i believe a lot of jws swallow the party line and it passes through them unharmed, like a seed pooped out by a bird.
Room 215
"those who are rightly disposed for everlasting life'' it sounds pretty if weightless of substance; it qualifies as an example of what "vapid" describes: " Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging, i.e. "tuneful but vapid musical comedies".
Is this true? Don't Call 911 If The Guy In The Next Seat Falls Ill at The DC?
by Room 215 inthis from a recent thread: .
"recent ridiculous instructions about not calling 9-1-1 yourself at district conventions if someone is having a heart attack but, instead, telling an attendant, who is supposed to let the first aid department know so they can come and assess the person and then call the paramedics.".
i hadn't heard this before.... sadly, it seems in perfectly in character for them.
Room 215
This from a recent thread:
"recent ridiculous instructions about not calling “9-1-1” yourself at district conventions if someone is having a heart attack but, instead, telling an attendant, who is supposed to let the first aid department know so they can come and assess the person and then call the paramedics."
I hadn't heard this before.... sadly, it seems in perfectly in character for them. Have you also heard this?
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
Neanderthals, Early Modern Humans, and a Creator
by Comatose inhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/neanderthal.
http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102011413#h=8:0-9:682. were neanderthals like us?.
Room 215
'They really do follow the maxim "better to say nothing and have people think you a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt"..... That's why any sort of participation in a moderated public forum, or granting of interviews to the press, etc. is anathema to them.
The new light re 1919 appointment of FDS demolishes the 'one true religion' concept
by yadda yadda 2 inanother poster on here called separation of powers made a profound comment on another thread recently that i thought was worthy of starting a new thread about:.
"in my opinion, the new light regarding the fds addresses this question, if there was no fds from the 3rd century on until 1918, and yet the article states that there were anointed followers here and there during that almost 2000 years of no fds, then what organization did they follow?
there was no organization, yet they were anointed per the article.
Room 215
I thought the old buggers really "jumped the shark" with their "overlapping generations" daydream; but this July 15 WT takes the prize.
Here comes Baruch again
by stillin insomehow this weeks book study, which covered some more about baruch, managed to turn it into a slam against education or trying to improve yourself very much.
ok, he didn't "seek great things for himself.
" but to twist that into the diatribe against college education, under the pretense of a bible study, is simply appallingly irresponsible!
Room 215
Jeremiah's lackey.